All -
I'm trying to solve a lil' problem here. The semi-short story is that prior to doing a fetch, I'm going to do a raw SQL fetch to determine how many rows would be returned - i.e., I'll do a "select count(*)" based on the search parameters. If the count is greater than a predetermined fetch limit, then I respond w/ a message to further restrict the query.
To do this, I build my qualifiers as usual create a fetch spec based on the qualifiers and then pass them into a JDBCExpression. The code looks like this:
EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec = new EOFetchSpecification(entityName, searchQualifier, null);
JDBCExpression sqlExpression = new JDBCExpression(entity); sqlExpression.prepareSelectExpressionWithAttributes(entity.attributes(), false, fetchSpec);
String rawSQLQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + entity.externalName() + " WHERE " + sqlExpression.whereClauseString(); if (!sqlExpression.joinClauseString().equals("")) { rawSQLQuery = rawSQLQuery + " AND " + sqlExpression.joinClauseString(); }
Unfortunately, the where clause being generated by .whereClauseString() is parameterized, e.g., SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PLAYLIST t0, CONTENT_PROVIDER T1 WHERE (((t0.FIRST_PRODUCTION_RELEASE is not ? AND t0.LAST_PRODUCTION_RELEASE is ?) AND T1.CONTENT_PROVIDER_ID = ?) AND UPPER(t0.NAME) LIKE UPPER(?) ESCAPE '\')
What I can't seem to figure is how to get the string returned w/ the parameters replaced w/ the actual bound values.
So, first, am I heading down the right path or is there a better way?
If I am headed in the right direction, what am I missing?
Thanks, mX.