As suggested, the JEdit does seem to show that my Java can not read or write files.
It starts and is visually there, new window, menus, scrolling about box,
but you can not type in the window ("thunk, thunk") nor does the "Open"
command do anything at all, ditto for the "Save". I am guessing the not
typing might be related to not being able to open a temp file.
I am certainly not versed enough in Java framework locations to be able
to pick out a problem with Framework permissions, missing or redundant files. Other
programs, i.e. non-java all work fine.
I think I am looking at a disk-wipe install, as I did the following last night.
Fresh 10.5 Leopard install using Archive Mode.
Fresh Leopard XCode, Webobjects install.
System Updates
Same exact problems regarding WebObjects problem.
The system logs for JEdit show a myriad of problems (a few here)