On Dec 22, 2008, at 12:03 AM, Chuck Hill wrote: What does the classes clause of your woapplication task look like? This?
<classes dir="${classes.dir}"> <patternset> <includesfile name="woproject/classes.include.patternset"/> <excludesfile name="woproject/classes.exclude.patternset"/> </patternset> </classes>
Well the <includesfile> and <excludesfile> are not enclosed on a <patternset> :
<woapplication name="${build.app.name}" destDir="${dest.dir}" customInfoPListContent="${customInfoPListContent}" principalClass="${principalClass}" webXML="${webXML}" webXML_CustomContent="${webXML_CustomContent}" servletAdaptor="er.extensions.jspservlet.ERXServletAdaptor"> <classes dir="${classes.dir}"> <includesfile name="woproject/classes.include.patternset" /> <excludesfile name="woproject/classes.exclude.patternset" /> </classes>
<wsresources dir="."> <includesfile name="woproject/wsresources.include.patternset" /> <excludesfile name="woproject/wsresources.exclude.patternset" /> </wsresources>
<resources dir="."> <includesfile name="woproject/resources.include.patternset" /> <excludesfile name="woproject/resources.exclude.patternset" /> </resources>
<frameworks root="ProjectLocal" embed="${embed.ProjectLocal}" eclipse="true" /> <frameworks root="External" embed="${embed.External}" eclipse="true" /> <frameworks root="Local" embed="${embed.Local}" eclipse="true" /> <frameworks root="User" embed="${embed.User}" eclipse="true" /> <frameworks root="System" embed="${embed.System}" eclipse="true" /> <frameworks root="Network" embed="${embed.Network}" eclipse="true" />
<lib dir="Libraries"> <include name="*.jar" /> </lib>
<otherclasspath dir="${wo.extensions}"> <include name="*.jar" /> </otherclasspath> </woapplication>
Changing build.xml to have the <patternset> tag didn't make a diference tough. And the wsresources also doesn't have a <patternset> but on that place, <excludesfiles> *is* working and not adding a file that I want excluded....
My classes.include.patternset:
**/*.class *.properties **/*.xml
And the config.xml is on the Sources folder. A test xpto.properties also didn't get packaged. Any ideas??
I'm thinking of storing this library files some where else, and seing if there's a way to add that place on build.xml so that the app will have that dir on it's classpath. Might make it simpler to have different configs for development and deployment.
Thanks for all your help.
Henrique Gomes
On Dec 21, 2008, at 3:45 PM, Henrique Gomes wrote:
That doesn't seem to make any difference... the xml file is not included in APP.woa/Contents/Resources/Java or the APP.jar on the same dir.
Also, the default patternset includes **/*.properties and I've tried placing a xpto.properties in Sources, but that also doesn't get packaged.
Placing the xml file on 'Sources' works for runs in Eclipse, it's copied to "build" and that's part of the classpath. But I can't get ant builds to include the file on a place that will be in the classpath of the running app.
I'm on eclipse 3.4.1, wolips nightly from yesterday, doing split installs.
Henrique Gomes
On Dec 21, 2008, at 7:01 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
<wocompile srcdir="src" destdir="bin" includes="**/*.java,**/*.conf">
or in your case, **/*.xml
On Dec 21, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Henrique Gomes wrote:
I am using a library that loads it's config file from the classpath.
I have manually placed the .xml config file on APP.woa/Contents/Resources/Java and got it working.
How do I have it placed there in every build? Or have it in the classpath other way?
Adding **/*.xml to woproject/classes.include.patternset didn't help.
Henrique Gomes