Sorry if the reply is posted in another topic, as i've just managed to reactivate my account on this mailing list.
So here's what i found : When adding in the Application constructor registerRequestHandler(new WOResourceRequestHandler(), "_wr_"); WOImage are correctly shown. However ERXStylesheet and ERXImage are not. I guess they are still using an ERXResourceHandler, i didn't take the time to investigate further.
Now, how can i produce a zip containing all the web resources (from the app and jar frameworks) with maven ? It's needed when turning deployment mode on in web.xml.
Finally everything seems to work quite ok : last WOLips version let me edit wod and eomodeld with the maven project layout, building a true war works... Well the last piece of the puzzle is enabling fast developpement with the build in eclipse. Andrew Lindesay faces the same issue with his message "War / Maven / Jar Build – How Does it Work wi th Eclipse's "Build Automatically"?"
Thanks for your answers,
Le 1 août 09 à 15:18, Alexis Tual a écrit : Hi list,
i'm in the process of mavenizing and deploying a wonder application as a true war. Mavenization worked well and i can package my app as a true war... but when deployed in a servlet container (for example with mvn jetty:run-war) the WebServerResources cannot be found (while they are at the right place inside the jar).
I've attached a sample project reproducing the problem with a simple WOImage and ERXStylesheet.
Has anyone already encountered this ? I'm not sure it has something to do with wonder. I'll try updgrading to wo 5.4.3 and see if it's better.
Thanks for your help !