Hi all.
It is sad to hear the despondency permeating through the email list today.
I think many of us have achieved so much with this technology stack, solutions that would be much more difficult with other technologies.
I think Apple is missing a trick here. Perhaps I am naive but isn’t their focus on vertical integration? WebObjects is and could be the server side answer for iOS in the enterprise. For me, we’re just about to deploy our first iOS apps running on iPads in our outpatient clinics, linking to our WebObjects applications handling all of the complex business logic that we need in healthcare. We’ve achieved this on a shoestring and it’s due to the great design - seen in WebObjects and of course, by logical extension in the related frameworks inherited from NeXT in modern Apple operating systems.
Personally, I want Apple stuff in the enterprise - in my enterprise - in my outpatient clinic. I think it would make a tremendous difference to how we provide healthcare. WebObjects is such a good fit for iOS devices I just cannot believe that Apple does not want to support such a great and productive technology.
Whatever the case, my WebObjects applications are still running and we are getting more and more users here in this part of the UK! It is just a shame Apple seems to have given up on it.
I’ve copied in Tim Cook to this. At the back of my mind, I’m hoping he’ll take an interest, realise overnight what a great technology this is and how it can be a great product for both large and small enterprises, can form part of a great technology stack and support iOS, and as such, re-incarnate WebObjects - the technology we love! Mr Cook - could Apple un-deprecate this technology please? It is really rather good!
Best wishes,
-- Dr. Mark Wardle Consultant Neurologist, University Hospital Wales, Cardiff, UK Email: email@hidden or email@hidden Twitter: @mwardle Telephone: 02920745274 (secretary) or facsimile: 02920744166