Re: [Proposal] Drop Wonder's Ant Build
Re: [Proposal] Drop Wonder's Ant Build
- Subject: Re: [Proposal] Drop Wonder's Ant Build
- From: Aaron Rosenzweig via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 09:07:11 -0400
Ant -> Maven -> Gradle ?
What Maven brings to the table, over Ant, is “convention over configuration.”
It’s “fluffy-bunny” (if you will) for build scripts. That’s #1. A close second
is dependency management (some might say it’s #1, and they’d be right too).
What Gradle brings, over Maven, is both convention and configuration when you
want it. It’s having your cake and eating it too. It also has a domain specific
language that is less verbose than the XML of Maven and Ant. It has smarter
dependency management. In fact, a close second (some would say #1 benefit) is
MUCH FASTER builds. Like 17 times faster.
Here’s a brief article comparing the three and the syntax of their build
Here’s an illustrated article showing compile times and other things Gradle vs
— Aaron
> On Jun 28, 2022, at 9:39 PM, Ramsey Gurley <email@hidden>
> wrote:
> >I thought Maven was old-hotness once Gradle stepped in?
> Maven adds dependency management which Ant doesn't have. I don't have to
> check jars into the repo, I know when jars changed, and to what versions.
> What Gradle adds (that I'm aware of) that Maven doesn't have is Groovy
> programming language build files. I never really saw an advantage of having
> that over XML and bash scripts which I already know. Is there anything in
> Gradle I'm missing out on?
> As for WebObjects specifically, the WOLips plugin understands fluffy bunny
> projects and Eclipse maven natures, but there's no code in there for gradle
> natures. Someone would have to write that I think. It's probably not a small
> project.
> From: Aaron Rosenzweig via Webobjects-dev <email@hidden
> <mailto:email@hidden>>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 6:12 PM
> To: WebObjects-Dev List <email@hidden
> <mailto:email@hidden>>
> Subject: Re: [Proposal] Drop Wonder's Ant Build
> It’s not a completely different issue is it?
> If anyone builds Wonder as part of their CI/CD and is currently using ANT,
> they will need to switch to Maven going forward. While we wish everyone who
> makes changes to Wonder would make pull requests to integrate them but that
> doesn’t always happen. Those teams essentially have a fork of Wonder that
> they periodically merge public changes into and build with ANT.
> That said, I can understand why many don’t want to support ANT anymore when
> they don’t even use it. If Maven is the future then people will have to
> change.
> Question… I thought Maven was old-hotness once Gradle stepped in? If we are
> talking about moving on, why isn’t Gradle on the table?
> Ant -> Maven -> Gradle
> — Aaron
> > On Jun 28, 2022, at 8:30 PM, Ray Kiddy via Webobjects-dev
> > <email@hidden <mailto:email@hidden>>
> > wrote:
> >
> > No. We are only talking about the building of Wonder itself. Projects using
> > Wonder can be built in different ways. It is a completely different issue.
> >
> > - ray
> >
> > On 6/28/22 06:45, Jesse Tayler via Webobjects-dev wrote:
> >> I admit I’m only half following this thread but I am still using Ant right
> >> now — I’ve tried to move to Maven once or twice, but it was a fair amount
> >> of work from where I was at
> >> Are we considering removal of ant as an option?
> > <snip>
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