On Sun, Jul 27, 2008, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> On 2008 Jul 27, at 14:57, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Jamie Kennea <
email@hidden> writes:
>>> Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I guess our mission
>>> critical machine won't be getting upgraded to Leopard as it runs a
>>> Tcl/
>>> Tk application as its main purpose.
>>> Still this is not an Apple problem, obviously.
>> Oh, I wouldn't say that. Changing an API that's been stable for 20
>> years doesn't strike me as having been a good design decision. The
> But it's not Apple's decision: one of the discussion threads cited for
> this change is from
x.org, dated 2006. Apparently it's a time bomb of
> sorts in
x.org waiting to strike anyone who upgrades.
One of my major gripes with some open source projects has been