Re: 10.5.5 broke X11
Re: 10.5.5 broke X11
- Subject: Re: 10.5.5 broke X11
- From: Robert Black <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 09:31:02 -0400
Dear Harald:
OK, so far, so good. Only one problem left: When I do the ps command,
I find a line: /usr/X11/bin/X:0 -nolisten tcp -auth /Users/
What now? How do I change that so that it is listening?
Robert A. Black
Research Meteorologist 4301 Rickenbacker Cswy.
NOAA/AOML/HRD Miami, FL 33149-1026
Ph: (305) 361-4314
FAX: (305) 361-4528 (NEW)
E-Mail: email@hidden
(Any opinions expressed are mine alone, not NOAA policy)
On Sep 19, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
+ Robert Black <email@hidden>:
As you can see below, there is no xhost command in that script
[launchctl list org.x.startx] on my machine.
Yes, there is, but it is hidden ... you put it there yourself:
I put the xhost + in my .profile
The script runs a login shell (essentially bash --login -s startx)
and that shell reads .profile, and so it runs xhost + like I
indicated. Sorry if I wasn't explaining it properly.
I think what happens is this: your xhost + command tries to connect to
the server, but the server hasn't started yet, nor will it start until
the startx script does its thing, and that will not happen until xhost
finishes, which it won't do until it had a server connection. The
result is deadlock.
Rather than run X11 stuff in your profile, I think you need an xinit
file. Create a file .xinitrc in your home directory, with the
xhost +
exec quartz-wm
Now do chmod +x .xinitrc and start X11. (Warning: Beware of syntax
errors in .xinitirc. You will not see any error messages, and X11
startup will fail.)
New - when I open an xterm window, manually issue the xhost +,
rlogin to my favorite server, and set the DISPLAY to my Mac, I now
can't display. This is another functionality that broke with 10.5.5
that was working at 10.5.4
Hmmm. Is your server listening on port 0?
If you run ps auxww | grep X you should see something like
... /usr/X11/bin/X :0 -auth ...
Do you?
And, BTW, my Mac is within a protected network behind a Sun Solaris
server acting as the firewall.
Very good.
- Harald
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