So am I doing something wrong when my key binding is in the menu, enabled, and yet when I press the key, I get the "I don't know what you're talking about, SysBeep()"..
I'm talking, of course, ^S, ^T, and ^U for Step Over, Step Into, and Step Out.
(the way the supreme being intended.. (i keed, i keed))
I can do all the 'circa 1984' methods of debugging.. click menu, click button, but the wizz-bo key bindings, you know, the things that help productivity, don't work..
is there another dialog somewhere that says "these are the REAL bindings.. pay no attention to the bindings set in the other dialogs, and the bindings in the menu..."
.. like the other seemingly redundant dialogs do..
(and no, a search of the archives reveals 'bupkiss®')