I apologize for the rookie nature of this question (and if it's been asked before; I couldn't find anything, but ...<shrug>). I'm trying to use a C++ library brought over from *nix - specifically the EO Evolutionary Computation library, but I think the question should apply generally - in a C++ project, and I'm having trouble compiling when I try to use the library in XCode. I installed the library as in the documentation (./configure, make, make install), and everything seemed to go all right, as the header files for the library are in /usr/local/include.
I'm trying to compile an example program that came with the library, which starts off like this:
#include <eo> #include <es.h>
However, XCode immediately tells me it can't find the header files. (i.e. error: eo: No such file or directory.) The example program compiles fine with the makefile that came with the library.
What can I do to get XCode to find the header files? And, incidentally, when I finally *do* get XCode to find the headers, will I have to do anything special to get the libraries to link as well?
(I'm running XCode 2.2 on OS X 10.4.3.)
Thanks so much for any help you can offer!
Steven Hamblin -- Master of Arts student Department of Psychology, University of Alberta. Office: P-319F, Biological Sciences