Let me try this again since so far no one has answered under the subject PBXCustomTemplateDefinitions
In the ../File Templates/CocoaObjective-C NSDocument subclass.pbfiletemplate the class.m file shows ¬ORGANIZATIONNAME¬ª There are other macros in there each bounded by ¬....¬ª such as DATE, FILENAME, PROJECTNAME, YEAR, etc.
I know that ORGANIZATIONNAME can be set in PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions in com.apple.xcode.plist
But how can I change DATE to expand in the form YYYY/MM/DD instead of the default dd/mm/yy?
Where is the DATE macro (or whatever it is) defined in XCode? Can I change it to meet my wishes? How? How does it and the other macros get expanded when I create a new project?
I've looked in the AppleScript Dictionary but don't see any calls there that jump out at me.
Obviously the New Project Assistant is fronting things for us but can I jump in somehow?
Does anyone there know how this is done?
TIA for a solution.