I'v been trying to track down a issue with XCode and #import files.
lets say I have
/myProject/myDefUnitSettings.h <-= is a copy from debugMacro/myDefDebugSettings.h and placed in myProject
/../../debugUnit/myDebug.h <-= is just inserted
inside /../../debugUnit/myDebug.h I do have #import "myDefUnitSettings.h"
inside /myProject/myHeader.h I do have #import "myDebug.h"
XCode accepts my changes which I made in /myProject/myDefDebugSettings.h. But still use /../../debugUnit/myDefDebugSettings.h
It drove me nuts why my changes in some macro's didn't work ( any more ).
If this intended, wouldn't be nice if XCode has the order to search first what's inside the project and then searches in association with the original source file.
Or is there any setting who can settle this?