(sorry for the duplicate, but I wanted a good subject header in case it would catch someone’s eye)
We’re running into a weird problem on some of our machines building projects that use Xib files. All of our machines, both those that have the problem and those that don’t, have roughly the same setup, though there are always some small differences.
On the machines that have the problem, whenever I try to build the project, O get the following warning and error pairs for every xib in the project:
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Volumes/data/builds/main/Tester.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ValidationWindow
File /Volumes/data/builds/main/Tester.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ValidationWindow.nib depends on itself. This target might include its own product.
File /Volumes/data/builds/main/Tester.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ValidationWindow.nib depends on itself. This target might include its own product.
Looking at the project, the xib files only show up once in the “Copy Resources” phase of the target. There’s also a “Copy Results Files” phase that copies a variety of files with names like “XibName_result” but again, only once each. This has only ever been a problem with Xib files in projects, never with nibs, but we would prefer to use xibs if we can.
The warnings and errors are the first thing in the build log for the target, immediately after the “Checking dependencies” header. On a machine that builds successfully, the first thing after that header is “Preprocessing “/Volumes/[stuff goes here]/project.build/Preprocessed-Info.plist”
Part of the strange thing about this is that it only happens on some machines and not others, despite the fact that we’re using the same project file off our source control server. Thus far, we have found no way to fix it short of wiping the machine and re-installing the development environment from scratch, and even that isn’t 100% successful. Does anyone have any ideas on troubleshooting this?