I have a project which creates a framework. I have one Target with two Build Configurations: Debug and Release. I want to install the Release product in a specific directory not associated with the Project.
For the Release Configuration, I have set the following Build Settings: 1) turn on Deployment Postprocessing 2) turn on Deployment Location 3) set Installation Build Products Location to "/" 4) set Deployment Location to the full path of my desired directory.
This is all according to the Xcode User Guide section "Building for Release" of chapter "Building Products"
This does work, and cause a build of the product in the Release Configuration to be installed at my destination directory.
However... there is in the Xcode User Guide this warning:
Warning: In most cases, setting DSTROOT to / is not appropriate because any build problems may damage your system. It’s safer to set DSTROOT to a temporary location, such as /tmp/MyRoot, and copy the product to its final destination only after it has been successfully built.
If I set DSTROOT (Installation Build Products Location) to a temp file (e.g., /tmp/$(PROJECT_NAME).dst), then the framework is installed in the Release directory of the Project's build directory, and not in my specified destination.
So, does this warning apply only to the use of the xcodebuild command?
Also, in an example shown in the User Guide, Deployment Postprocessing is not described as being set. Must it be?