Hi is it possible to separate debugger and application input/output stream?
Xcode 2.X had 2 separate windows for debugger and application streams
Xcode 3. mixes them together delete, backspace, copy/paste don't work well,
I understand that 2 windows wasn't big convenience but at least they were working right
currently, for the command line applications, it looks and works terrible
for example, it is virtually impossible to debug MATLAB in the "nodesktop" mode console is a complete mess, arrows don't work, backspace, delete don't work, copy/paste hardly work and so on (it's fine if I do that from the terminal window)
for GUI applications it's much less critical, though
PS, I understand that Xcode is a free tool, so I shouldn't complain too much but I wonder what kind of qa Xcode team has, if the
log like the following "(rdb:1) bb MMyyVViieeww..iinniittWWiitthhFFrraammee"
is possible to see? (yes I know I can set different colors, but it still looks bad, I think even worse than one color)