What I want to be able to do: Set the fonts and sizes for Xcode on a pane by pane basis so that the (a) Groups and Files pane is larger (b) The File listing pane is larger (c) The Editor window is larger and in general any of the windows such as the Build, Console, Debugger, etc to a font size of my choice.
Why? Because I am 72 years old and my new Mac Pro 2 CPU with a 30" Apple monitor has so much real estate it's hard for me to read at the default 11 point size.
Besides since I have been devloping on the Mac since '84 I figure this is the way a Mac app ought to work. (Plus the recent cataract surgery means I don't need glasses anymore.)
What have I tried? Reduce the resolution of the Display. It works but what a stupid way to have to do this just for Xcode. Other apps, such as Mail, Firefox, etc allow me to set the font and size.
I went through XcodeUserDefaultRef.pdf - doesn't help Went through Preferences/Fonts & Colors - Helps with Editor pane but makes hard copy printouts way too large.
Tried Matt Neuburg's suggestion of adding PBXOutlineFont and FontSize to ~ Library/Preferences/com.apple.Xcode.plist but I don't see a difference.
Ditto PBXTableFont and FontSize - But this works for the Groups & Files and File listing panes.
What are my questions? Is there any public documentation of the way to effect what I wish to do? If so where is it? If not would one of you kind, bright young puppies at Apple please be so merciful as to document it and email me?
TIA and respect...
Peter |