On Nov 13, 2009, at 5:41 PM, P Teeson wrote: Ditto PBXTableFont and FontSize - But this works for the Groups & Files and File listing panes.
What are my questions? Is there any public documentation of the way to effect what I wish to do? If so where is it? If not would one of you kind, bright young puppies at Apple please be so merciful as to document it and email me?
There are three controls for Xcode type sizes:
1) Xcode > Preferences > Fonts & Colors
Click in the table, press Command-A to Select All, and double-click. That opens the Font Panel in which you can set a larger font size. This will affect the Source Code Editor only.
2) Setting PBXTableFont and PBXTableFontSize (as you've done): This affects the Groups and Files tree and the Detail View only.
3) Xcode > Preferences > Debugging, there's a Console Font setting to make the Debug Console font larger.
There are no controls for changing the font size for other texts in Xcode, e.g. menus, help text, tool tips, Debugger data tips, Find results, Inspector panes, row heights in auxiliary windows, etc. Sometimes using the systemwide CloseView facility helps, but it's a little vertiginous for me.
Chris |