On Apr 23, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Chris Hanson wrote: On Apr 23, 2010, at 9:15 AM, Chris Backas wrote: As it is,
Leopard has a major regression in its PDF generation that greatly
affects our product, and Snow Leopard hasn't corrected this, so we
still do have certain production machines on Tiger.
Have you filed a bug about this?
Yes. We even bought a paid support incident from DTS, who ultimately agreed there was a problem and refunded us. Essentially, if you draw a PDF image into a PDF context multiple times, Tiger and prior realize you're drawing the same exact object and include it only once in the output file, with many "Draw it again here" commands. 10.5->10.6.3 include the image data as many times as you repeat it instead, so our larger documents (thousands of pages) bloat by orders of magnitude under the new OSes.
What was worse was 10.6 was ALSO rasterizing the image we drew into the context instead of leaving it as line art, but 10.6.3 has fixed that at least.
As an aside, do you know if there's any value to 'pinging' the bug periodically, like "Retested on 10.6.3, still broken".
In general OS
upgrades tend to cause us significant engineering time to address new
problems just to get things back to the way they were before, instead
of adding new features customers ask for.
One thing I would very strongly encourage you to do is test new releases of Mac OS X when they are seeded prior to release, and file bugs like the PDF generation regression you mentioned above at that time.
We try to test them when we can, but there's only three of us, so we can't just drop our projects to do regression tests. Still, we do try to keep an eye on the current state of things so that we have an idea what might need to be addressed.
Chris Backas Bristol Capital, Inc.
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