On Jul 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, Gerd Knops wrote: I have long asked (and filed bugs) for some way to add a parser to the log output. That parser could filter out usually useless data (date, time) and make a filename:line pattern "clickable". I do most of my development in TextMate, where a bundle gives me log output that is "clickable", a HUGE timesaver (see below).
That is what Xcode's list of errors and warnings should look like. Cramming the errors and warnings into the navigator pane on the left is the wrong approach. For one, messages need to be wide to properly display the warning or error. In addition to TextMate and AppCode, what else do we have? Do people seriously use Mono to develop for iOS?
It seems like we should share what we use to get by the parts of Xcode that annoy us. A quick search on Xcode plugins seems to be rather dated. Are there any recent Xcode plugins that people use to enhance or get past Xcode's annoyances?
Being able to disable the bouncing of the view in the code editor window when flick scrolling using the magic mouse on Lion removed a lot of pain for me.
defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -boolean false
On Jul 2, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Ian Jackson wrote: However, I'm just watching Session 402 - Working Efficiently with Xcode (from iTunes, WWDC 2012), which has been quite a revelation in many areas, and I'd say it's well worth a look. It explains how to make the window appear, and I wont try to recreate the explanation here.
FWIW, I've found that no matter how much time you spend with Xcode, watching these videos can be a massive timesaver.
I've taken all of the 2011 WWDC videos, the relevant 2012 videos and recompressed them to 1/3 of the file size using 3ivx MP4 that play back perfectly in QuickTime. There is no need for many of them to be 1 GB.
Having these as an internal video library resource can be great timesavers for your team when you can watch an Apple engineer talk about how they expected the tool or library is to be used.