For Command-E yes, but not if you explicity enter text.
Yes, even if you explicitly enter text. I just verified it: when I go to the project-search pane in Xcode and search for “foo”, then go to, say, Terminal and open its Find panel, “foo” is already filled in. (OS X 10.9.2, Xcode 5.1.)
I don’t think it works on every Cocoa App, at least I’ve seen App’s where it doesn’t work. I just about see making the search term global if Command-E is used, but if you enter text into a search box, I really don’t think this should be global, I’ve rarely (in fact I can’t remeber ever) wanted to search for the same term in two different apps. A search in XCode for instance, is in completely a different context, to say, Pages.
But back to XCode, I really can’t see the use of having the search term dupilicated over and over again in every open window, beside anything else, it’s confusing! For instance:
Window A: Search for “AAAAAAA” Results showing lines containing “ AAAAAAA”
Window B: Seach for “BBBBBBB” Results showing lines containing “ BBBBBBB”
Window A now shows: Search for “ BBBBBBB” Results showing lines containing “ AAAAAAA”
Which is just plain wrong! It might make sense if it (uselessy) updated all the results too.
Also, there is a difference between making the search term global, e.g. storing it somewhere when the value is entered and showing it in a window. If you do a new search, then use the new term, but leaving existing windows alone, e.g. don’t do a “live” of update all windows.