Can anyone please tell me what the required conditions are for the Update button in Xcode 5.1's compare window to actually enable?
We're using SVN hosted within our building, I'm updating from our source tree, the "Right" button is checked, and I've been looking at the nearly full screen compare window for the last 5 minutes wondering when I'll be able to update my project, but the Update button is grayed out.
There are no status indicators on the screen anywhere, the Update button is gray, the
As I typed this, the Update button just enabled.
I'm on another computer.
Why is this so bad?
Can someone PLEASE state what's going on here? Why Xcode's source control doesn't give the user more feedback, or at least tell users what's going on?
Why does it take about 5-10 minutes for the update button to actually enable? Why is there no feedback to the user as to what's going on?
Really. This is so bad, I'm simply going to be forced back to the command line or fork out 200 bucks for AppCode.
Didn't Apple once used to be known for its great user interfaces?
Honestly. Can't we get one UI right, before spending a boatload of developer time in reskinning the UI of this Dev tool?
I'd honestly prefer to use the Xcode 4 UI and get bug fixes rather than getting a glaring white UI with all sorts of usability issues.
Can someone smack some sense into the graphic design team and whomever is dictating what amounts to "Usability"??
5 - 10 minutes to wait for the interface to update WITH NO USER FEEDBACK for a repo update is insane.