Hello Roland,
I remember the 2013 problem perfectly since, our admin and I, we spent a lot of time on it. We tried several proxies (we have spares) with no success at all. I was very disappointed but, one day, it started to work with both the normal proxy and our local NTP < ntp1.ill.fr>. Since our admin said she made no change at all, I assumed that the change was on Apple’s side. May be I was wrong ! :-) (my old emails confirm that)
Now we have another admin and I need more understanding on what is going on to convince him to investigate further. What I understand from the answers of Jens and you is that I am the only one having the error “A timestamp was expected but was not found.” and thus the problem must be on our side. “did you have the firewall fixed to pass it through and someone reverted that change?” I have no answers to these questions. Be sure that I asked but the usual answer is “Apple is a pain in the ass!” I have not enough understanding on the NTP, proxy and firewall interactions to identify the origin of the problem and push a solution.
— Alain
I think it's been doing this forever. I remember us talking about
it before one weekend when the time server was down. Then I found
this thread as an example https://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2013/Apr/msg00109.html .. hold on .. same OP, who found that apple checked its own
timeserver way back then, and it was blocked. What happened in the
intervening years, did it start working again and stop, did you
have the firewall fixed to pass it through and someone reverted
that change?
On 04/05/2017 06:11, Jens Alfke wrote:
On May 3, 2017, at 9:33 AM, Filhol Alain < email@hidden> wrote:
This is very interesting !
Where did you find that Apple changed its code-signing
procedure to check their own NTP server ?
I didn’t, you did. :) In the first message in the
thread you said that “'codesign' superbly ignores the proxy and
tries to access Apple’s timestamp server … directly.” And since
you say this only started happening recently, I’m inferring that
Apple has changed their protocol for code signing to require
hitting their NTP server.
------ Dr. Alain Filhol (Computer scientist) Institut Laue-Langevin, EPN Campus CS 20156, 71 ave des Martyrs F-38042 Grenoble cedex 9 Tel:+33, Fax: +33