It just said GDM-C520 (this is the model of this monitor).
That is likely the profile generated at boot time by the display manager, Mac OS X created that display profile.
If I open up the Artisan software, I can see that the profiles name is CRS Print RGB D5412103285. I can see that this profile is in with the other profiles, when I am looking in the prefs > displays > color, but is is not selected. If I look at my second monitor and look at prefs > displays > color, I can see that "CRS Print RGB D5412103285" is selected.
So the Artisan software intended that profile for your main display, but is setting it for your second display.
This probably happens because the Sony software is associating the profile with a default device, instead of the specific display you're calibrating. Maybe they're calling CMGetDefaultDevice(cmDisplayDeviceClass, &defaultDisplayID) which always returns the display ID of the default display. They should instead determine the display ID of the display being calibrated (because there might be more than one), then call CMSetProfileByAVID(displayID, profileRef);
Unfortunately Steve from your standpoint it means Sony's software should change and unless you work for Sony there's not much you can do about that. You can work around it though. When the profile is created it is being associated with a display, the thing is though, it's always being associated with the "default display". You can select which of your displays is the default display using ColorSync Utility in the Devices tab. You'll see two entries, one for each display, with a blue dot by the default one. Click the button to change which is the default display. So, use ColorSync Utility to choose which is the default display, run the Sony calibration software to create a profile for that display and it should work. To do the second display, run ColorSync Utility again and make that one be the default display, run the Sony calibration app to make a profile for it, and that should work too. At least that's what I'm guessing. If they have some kind of demon process that launches at login time then who knows, but apart from that I think this should work for you.