Yes, anytime I hear something like "wait 24-48 hrs. for the print to dry/cure" (OK, I might have even mentioned this also) I'm thinking "they don't do this for living". Imagine if you told a customer, "OK, I've printed the target. Now I'll be surfing the web/catching up on email/taking phone calls for the next couple of days while the target "cures" and, oh, that'll be an extra $x,xxx/day while I sit here..." :-) Back in the day of Epson 10K Photo Dye printers, I used to get all my linearization work for the customer's output parameters/paper choices done during the day, print all the needed profiling targets by the end of the day and then measure first thing the next morning (on a profiles till lunchtime!). That usually amounted to a 12-14 hr. cure time which seemed reasonable to me. These days with UC inks, I'm waiting only about 15-30' and can get the whole install done in a single day, including GMG iterations if necessary. That, coupled with the fact that I went from a Spectroscan to iCColor and now DTP70 means EVERYTHING has gotten much faster and I'm spending less time on-site. Wait a minute....someday I need to figure out the logic of ME buying better/faster gear so I can charge a customer LESS for my time on-site makes good business sense....guess I need to either charge more or try on do 3-5 sites a week. Or maybe I just need to get a real job....