Re: Panorama and AppleScript
Re: Panorama and AppleScript
- Subject: Re: Panorama and AppleScript
- From: "Jason W. Bruce" <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 18:01:42 +0000
Have you seen Matt Neuberg's recent review of Panorama in TidBits: He says its the best
database he's ever used. You are not the only person who thinks it's an
incredible product. I believe it became relational and added AppleScript
support around 1995. If you embark upon the learning curve and do great
things with the product, please share your ideas and accomplishments.
Jason Bruce
I have been looking at several directions to take my Mac skills to
the next level. After working with FileMaker (3.x) and 4D (Full
developers version), I have not been able to get to a clear choosing
between the two. My AppleScript learning gets so far, and then I try
again with 4D. And 4D speaks a language that just takes too much
time. And as far as I know, 4D is not really useful with AppleScript.
But now, there is another player on the field. Oh yes. I have now
discovered Panorama. What a cool program. I learned about it as a
secret tool for developers who had to clean up nasty text files for
clients as 4D solutions were being built. But I am planning to do
more than visit. I really like this product. It is written fairly
simply but it seems very powerful. It is cross platform, and it works
in RAM so it is VERY fast. No, I am not selling it here. I am posting
this here because:
Panorama seems to integrate with AppleScript better than anything
else I have seen on the Mac. I recently heard of a developer that put
an AppleScript routine inside a Panorama file with ResEdit. I don't
know how? But Panorama has routines that can call AppleScript, and,
AppleScripts can call routines in Panorama. Sounds pretty cool to me.
So what I am wondering, why am I just hearing about this great
database? Is there anyone on this list that has had experiences with
AS and Panorama (was called OverVue)? I have given you my enthusiasm
but if your experiences are not so hot then I would like to know that
I can see it's time to get off my crusty butt and get that old,
highly recommended reprint of the Goodman Book on Apple Scripting. I
do believe a decision has finally been made, whew!
Thanks for any input.
Dave Groover
Da Groove Meister
Shareware is fair ware
Software should be treated as fair ware,
So as to not be such rare ware.
Which would encourage designers who dare where,
Designs are created as care ware.
I support the ethical treatment of software designers
- Dave Groover, Da Groove Meister, )2001 email@hidden