Re: Admin: a suggestion on the script corruption problem.
Re: Admin: a suggestion on the script corruption problem.
- Subject: Re: Admin: a suggestion on the script corruption problem.
- From: JollyRoger <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:51:15 -0600
on 2/17/2001 10:35 AM, cheshirekat at email@hidden wrote:
If I find the source cryptic, obfuscated and difficult to follow in short
time, I simply won't bother with it. (I'm not saying this is the case with
Richard's script since I admittedly haven't taken the time to check it out)
Same here. Richard's scripts are notoriously cryptic, obfuscated and
difficult to follow. Most of the scripts I have seen Richard write "show
off" the more cryptic parts of the AppleScript language. That's neat and
all...the problem is most folks just don't care about all that baloney -
they just want a script that is easy to follow, and easy to maintain (me