Re: Graphical text via CGI
Re: Graphical text via CGI
- Subject: Re: Graphical text via CGI
- From: Sander Tekelenburg <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 13:11:56 +0100
At 13:52 -0800 UTC, on 05/03/2001, Daniel Shockley wrote:
Use clip2gif [...]
---------- BEGIN SCRIPT -----------
set myFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select folder to save image:")
set useThisText to text returned of display dialog "What should it
say?" default answer "Type in
your text here"
tell application "clip2gif"
save {200, 100} in window drawing ,
{{drawn text:useThisText, position:{0, 0, 200, 100},
font:"Helvetica", justification:center,
style:{bold, italic}, size:20, color:{65535, 0, 0}}}
save window 1 as GIF in file (myFolder & "text.gif" as text) scale
50 depth 8 with dithering
without transparency
close window 1
end tell
---------- END OF SCRIPT -----------
Or, as R23 would have said it:
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Preprocessed by Convert Script 1.0d4
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
set myFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select folder to save image:")
set useThisText to text returned of (display dialog "What should it
say?" default answer "Type in your text here")
tell application "clip2gif"
save {200, 100} in window drawing==>
{{drawn text:useThisText, position:{0, 0, 200, 100},
font:"Helvetica", justification:center, style:{bold, italic}, size:20,
color:{65535, 0, 0}}}
save window 1 as GIF in file (myFolder & "text.gif" as text) scale
50 depth 8 with dithering without transparency
close window 1
end tell
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
This doesn't compile with vanilla AS 1.3.4 under OS 9.0.4. Script
Editor doesn't seem to like "drawn text".
--> Expected "," or "}" but found "text".
Sander Tekelenburg, <
Web site at <>
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