Re: Does this program exist?
Re: Does this program exist?
- Subject: Re: Does this program exist?
- From: vectormation <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:19:43 -0500
a custom field in the palm desktop could hold a unique ID number, and a
floting palette made in FaceSpan that would (when triggered) read the
current(?) ID #, look it up in an list of records, and determine the
processing path from there.
This is not strictly an Applescript question (though I suppose one could
solve it with AS if needs be...)
Here's the situation. I am chronically disorganised and get lots of email
with attachments. Often the emails or the stories contain stuff for stories
that are coming up in the near future. Or else they'll be about
I use Palm Desktop but its weakness is that it's very limited in
terms of displaying things in a day. It only links within itself.
So, does this program exist? What I would really like would be a calendar
program that could hold references to *anything* on my machine for a
particular day - so that, say, Monday 3rd would have a link to an email
with stuff about that.
Of course I would need to be able to create that link - so that
when I receive an email and want to link it I can call the program/a script
and choose a day and have the two tied together. Sort of like Palm's
"attach note" feature, but cross-application.
Anybody? Or am I going to have to write something huge and
PS please don't let it be Lotus Notes.
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