Hello List
Here at Mugginsoft we have released v1.0.0 Alpha 2 of our AppleScript server application Mother.
This alpha is much more usable than its predecessor. Implicit run handlers, explicit run handlers and user defined handlers are now all supported which should make importing existing scripts much easier. Also it is now possible to save the files that are streamed back from the server. So you can actually do some useful remote file manipulation. This has been tested with returning up to 1000 processed files (duplicates of a single file in the test case). The idea here is to define a handler with say 1 file parameter. The file is dispatched to the server agent, processed and the resultant files returned. The server agent can reside either locally, on the local network or on the Internet.
The following script idea does not yet exist in the scripts catalog that currently accompanies Mother but it highlights the sort of thing that Mother can get up to.
Image adjuster:
Dispatch file to remote Photoshop script. Save a range of standardised adjustments to the image as separate files. Stream the adjusted image files back to the user. Allow user to browse, select and save preferred image.
There are some features still to implement so there will be an Alpha 3 before the first official Beta will be released.
If you are interested in participating in the testing programme, and fancy giving Mother some affection, then contact us at email@hidden.
Jonathan Mitchell
Central Conscious Unit