On Jun 6, 2009, at 4:57 PM, I wrote:
Now, I have another problem ...
I noticed this in my code: «class furl»
I can tell from the context that it compiled to something understandable in Tiger, but not in Leopard.
Does anyone know what «class furl» is ?????
I searched, and found some comments by members of this list from about a year ago that lead me to understanding «class furl». The code in question is Mail scripting ...
set acnt to (get account of mbox)
set acntDir to (account directory of acnt)
if (class of acntDir) = «class furl» then -- in Leopard, (class of acntDir) = «class furl»
set acntDir to acntDir as text
else -- in Tiger, (class of acntDir) = text, a posix path
set acntDir to ((POSIX file acntDir) as alias) as text
end if
Whatever «class furl» is, it's something returned by Leopard, but not by Tiger, for a directory path.
Neither Leopard nor Tiger compile into anything more readable. But I don't need to read it, just understand what it does!