I had to eliminate the defective folders by trashing them. And, of course. I copied the contents into the new folder, first. No, you can't create a new folder, then replace the old folder with it. The copy is still defective. You have to Trash the defective folder first.
I have done some experimenting with with list view options ...
property testFolder : alias "OS_X:Users:lutherfuller:Library:Application Support"
tell application "Finder"
set winRef to (window of testFolder)
set current view of winRef to list view -- WORKS
set icon size of list view options of winRef to small -- WORKS
set text size of list view options of winRef to 12 -- WORKS
set shows icon preview of list view options of winRef to false -- WORKS
set width of column name column of list view options of winRef to 300 -- WORKS
set sort column of list view options of winRef to name column
set sort direction of sort column of list view options of winRef to normal -- WORKS
-- changes the direction triangle, but order does not change order of listing until the folder is closed, then opened
set visible of column modification date column of list view options of winRef to false -- FAILED
set visible of column size column of list view options of winRef to false -- FAILED
set visible of column version column of list view options of winRef to true -- FAILED
open winRef
set toolbar visible of winRef to false -- WORKS, but folder must be open
end tell