On Aug 21, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Luther Fuller wrote: Yes. I came to that conclusion late yesterday. Two (maybe 3) lines of code in an application bundle which contains an alias file in /Bundle/Contents/Resources/
I used these two lines in an appl bundle (no, you can't put that in one line) ...
on run (path to resource "Folder_Link") tell application "Finder" to open alias file the result end run
and put an alias file, named "Folder_Link", to a folder in its Resources folder. The alias file points to a folder named "AppleScriptUsers", so I renamed the application "AppleScriptUsers.app" and put it into a Dock menu folder for testing.
I tested in 10.6.8 and it works, but there are two problems: 1. The .app extension is required, but looks confusing. 2. The first time you select this menu item, the system displays a message asking if you really want run the appl. I'm not sure how I got rid of that ... I think I had to open the menu folder and double-click the appl. (I'll test in Lion later)
Problem 2. may be a killer. How do I explain that to a user? It should just work without explanation!