On Oct 13, 2011, at 9:11 PM, Simon Topliss wrote: On 13 Oct 2011, at 16:58, David Ferrington wrote: Script Debugger is so expensive though, so if you're just scripting for yourself, it can be hard to justify, especially when there are other things to spend your money on.
Hi David, Personally, I couldn't afford NOT to use Script Debugger. But then, I do spend a lot of time developing scripts.
I don't know how I'd tackle the intricacies of scripting Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign without it.
SD's Explorer is a fantastically useful tool and worth the money itself. It's great for discovering new and/or complicated dictionaries.
I've been a very satisfied customer for several years and recommend it to all serious scripters.
Point being, David mentioned he's not serious, or at least, that he's only scripting for himself. However, I tend to agree with Shane and Simon, Script Debugger can show you items you probably didn't even realise were there.. It's very very good.