On Dec 3, 2014, at 6:11 AM, Jim Weisbin < email@hidden> wrote:
I’m having issues with Script Editor in OS X 10.0.1, in scripts that have been saved as applications:
Sometimes, randomly, I open an application in Script Editor, make some changes, click Save, and it says it can’t be saved. I then have to hold down the option key to “Save As…” and save it with a new name, then it will save (I always uncheck the “show startup screen" and "leave open” options). Then I have to delete the old one and rename the new one.
I thought this was maybe a problem with iCloud Drive being turned on (for Script editor) but tried turning it off completely and that does not make any difference.
Sometimes saved apps will open with a message that they cannot be opened. I then have to go through the above procedure again.
I also usually find a nice icon and paste it into the icon field of the app in the “Get Info” dialog box for the newly saved app (the icon disappears after a “Save As…). Usually it refuses to paste. This appears to be a permissions issue, but it is a PITA.
Anyone else having these problems?
Jim Weisbin | C.T.O. | human | 138 Fifth Avenue | 3rd Floor | New York, NY | 10011 | (212) 352-0211 | (917) 375-2272 | Los Angeles Office | 2046 Broadway | Santa Monica, CA | 90404 | (310) 264-0211 telephone | www.humanworldwide.com
Hi Jim, Sometimes this happens to me, it is a permission issue. You very likely have ACLs introduced in your system. To check that, try "get info" and see what kind of permissions you have. You may see something like "you have custom permission” or you or another “user” showing twice. It is a case of ACLs introduced to that file/folder. I see it happening a lot in Yosemite. I have a script that removes the ACL problem for the system, but I have to rewrite it, because Mavericks broke it. However, to fix permission for your user, first check the ACLs by running this in terminal or do shell script:
ls -lae
If you see 2 lines or a “+” next to the permissions that file has acls. To remove ACLs run this from a directory that has the file (I suggest terminal)
chmod -a#0 *
You might get some errors saying that some files do not have ACL, but it does not cause any problems and it batch removes every ACL from the affected files.