When I comment out those two lines and move your display dialog in Hello Guy into a applicationDidFinishLaunching_ handler your two programs run fine. I am running Lion and using XCode 4.1.
The AppleScript Language Guide (Table 7-1) shows the 'activate' command does not return a value, so your accessing 'result' is incorrect. If you want information from Hello Guy you need to invoke a handler in it that returns a value (or uses the default returned value of its last executed statement, which would also need to be something that returns a value.)
-- Dave
On Sep 2, 2011, at 7:01 PM, Shane Stanley wrote:
> On Sep 3, 2011, at 1:49 AM, Larry McMunn wrote:
>> set theResult to result
>> if class of theResult is in {integer, real} and theResult > 0 then set secsDelay to theResult
> Larry,
> What happens if you comment out those two lines?
Doesn't seem to make a difference. And secsDelay is set to 2 when fauxIdle_ is called.