Depending on the size of your group, its location, and your specific requirements - there are public retailers like Atlanta Bread Company, Panera, and others that have open WIFI. If you talk with a manager about what their slower times might be (if they are not in a mall or other 24/7 busy area), you may find that they'll be thrilled to have the business. Perhaps they would even offer a discount to your members.
If you group is too large, perhaps a SIG might take advantage of this type of thing.
I think one key is "what do you need." I'm always impressed and amazed by the variety of places where groups meet. Offices, retail stores, schools/universities, outdoors, banquet halls, libraries, malls or whatever.
Our member list shows a lot of the meeting places if that might be helpful.
Perhaps trying a free wifi locator search for your area code might present some options?
All the best,
A message from
Daniel M. East
The Apple Groups Team (TAGteam)
A free support network for user groups, vendors, resellers, developers and manufacturers promoting cooperation, camaraderie and collective efforts in the Apple/Macintosh communities.
Not affiliated with Apple Computer.