1 - The MUG Event Calendar of the Week of July 28: The State of Tech, Apple Mail and a 3D Software Overview
2 - This Week on the MUG Event Calendar
1 - The MUG Event Calendar of the Week of July 28: The State of Tech, Apple Mail and a 3D Software Overview
The MUG Event Calendar is a little show this week as the months transition and summer hiatus of many groups takes its toll.
A Connecticut group will focus on the overall state of technology, while Australian group will look at the future. A California group will look at, among other things, Apple Mail, and a Cleveland group will have an overview of 3D software. (more)
2 - This Week on The MUG Event Calendar
Tuesday 29-Jul
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
Wednesday 30-Jul
- Connecticut Mac Connection - State of Technology
- Cleveland Digital Publishing Group - An Overview of 3D Software for Creative Professionals
Saturday 2-Aug
- AUSOM (Australia) - The Prescient Turk
- Orange Apple Computer Club - Latest on Apple Yosemite an iOS8; Special Characters; What does Apple Mail do for you?
- MacWichita - Fix-It Meeting