Re: FW: Objective C vs. Java
Re: FW: Objective C vs. Java
- Subject: Re: FW: Objective C vs. Java
- From: Tyler LaGrange <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 19:09:12 -0400
It's hard to argue with some of the points that a lot of the Objective-C
fans out there are bringing up about speed issues and loosely typed
objects/methods or whatnot. But you must also take in to consideration
the maintenance of the code and the ability to find people with skills
that will add to your project.
Java is a much smarter choice if you would like to find reference
materials and other snippets to add to your code. On we can
see 1571 listings for Java, and 17 matches for Objective-C, most of
which aren't even relative. has 1168 books for java, and 8
for Objective-C - only half really relevant (Objective-C isn't even
listed under Programming Languages -
PGLS&SubjectID=&filter=). I bet a trip down to Borders or something
would make this point pretty obvious as well. The few sites I have come
across for Cocoa and Objective-C have been pretty devoid of real good
NOW - to be fair - it is true that apples own cocoa documentation does
favor Objective-C over Java in the fact that the online Documentation is
more complete on the Objective-C side. ALSO - the first Cocoa book
apple is putting out with O'Reilly is putting out
( doesn't even have the word
Java in the table of contents. BUT - if you are reading that book to
learn about the concepts of Cocoa - and not the language specific
examples - I imagine most of it will transfer across the Java Bridge
with a little time. Maybe I will learn enough and write a Cocoa Java
book! haha
Also, Java is a much smarter approach if you would like to learn
something that can be applied to OTHER areas of computing. There are a
countless number of jobs out there in the market today that are looking
for Java Experience. There is a MUCH smaller number of Objective-C
coders being looked for. I was going to give some statistics from like
a or a, but the keyword searching is a little
sketchy on both. From what I can tell, there are no Objective-C
listings on brainbuzz - and who knows on monster - since Objective-C
will match the word Objective - but if you search for "bjective-C"
leaving off the O, you get nothing. I don't get it. I guess we could
use and see over 1000 for Java and Zero for
Objective-C. I don't think too many people will argue this point anyway.
I don't really want to argue this point. I have even started learning a
little Objective-C myself in the off chance that I need access to some
methods that the Java-Bridge simply will not provide. It's not too
tough for a "Programmer" to adapt to different languages with a little
time anyway. It really doesn't look that hard, and I could always just
add it to a resume later. But I have to recommend that BEFORE adding
Objective-C to my resume, I would CERTAINLY add Java to my resume. And
beyond that - a classified ad for a Developer with Java skills will
attract thousands more applicants than an ad for a Developer with
Objective-C skills.
I am a Java programmer (actually my true calling is a web developer
right now), and there certainly are plenty of things I don't like about
Java, but for the sake of putting out another opinion on the Java vs.
Objective C issue I needed to send this email. The Java front is
certainly not the majority here.
Don't hate me. This is my first post to the list :-( . I just want to
build Cocoa apps like everybody else here :-) - tyler
On Thursday, May 10, 2001, at 10:42 AM, Kevin Murray wrote:
"We" recently made a decision to develop a new application in Cocoa.
will be a significant product that will require development and
maintenance for years to come. "I" am the fortunate individual who
gets to
do the initial development (no sarcasm - it's been years since I've
on non-legacy code). My background is C and C++, and I'm looking
to learning (a lot about) Java and/or Objective-C. Since we have no
code for this project, I get to do it right.
Does anyone have any logical or illogical reasons to prefer Java or
Objective-C for Cocoa development?
From things I've seen and heard, I'm concerned about the following:
Everyone (but me) knows Java, so it seems a good choice as far as
more engineers in the future as the product gets bigger..
Is Java _demonstrably_ less efficient than ObjC in MacOSX?
This product will eventually connect to a back-end server that speaks
and/or XML. Should this influence my decision?
advthanksance, -kevin
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