Re: Photoshop 6 - Image specific color - Working Space
Re: Photoshop 6 - Image specific color - Working Space
- Subject: Re: Photoshop 6 - Image specific color - Working Space
- From: Scott Griswold <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 10:04:39 -0400
I like to think of the "working Space" that you set in the color settings as
the "Default Working Space" because the profiles that are embedded in
images are also "working spaces." If you open an image with a tagged
profile, the "Default Working Space" is ignored and your embedded profile
becomes your "working space."
Personally I think calling it "Default Working Space" would have made more
sense to separate the idea of the embedded profile vs. the fallback (color
settings-default) working space.
As long as we understand that "profile" and "working space" are
interchangeable terms then it should all make sense.
-Scott Griswold
Ulsaker Studio Inc.
From: "G. Domm" <email@hidden>
The question is - If the above is true WHAT WORKING SPACE are you now REALLY
working in as you continue to work on this image - which is now NOT being
displayed in accordance with the Working Space chosen in Color Settings -
and is apparently now responding, instead, to the embedded profile which
could have a smaller color gamut than your chosen Working Space?