Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 2 #577 - 14 msgs
Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 2 #577 - 14 msgs
- Subject: Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 2 #577 - 14 msgs
- From: Joel <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 17:16:13 -0500
From: email@hidden
(clip...and chiming in)
Let me try that again. Try building a second ColorSync Profiles folder in the
Preferences folder (if may require a copyright symbol as well id the app is
hard coded to the name) and placing a copy of your monitor profile (and
perhaps a copy of the Displays subfolder with a copy of the monitor profile
too) inside it. The program may well find it in that location, since that is
where it would have been under ColorSync 2.0.
...or, try putting an alias to your
SystemFolder>ColorsyncProfilesFolder in the
Some apps (CS 2.0 etc) recognize this trick...some black out from the
directions. You'll know at the first reboot. If your system hangs,
restart holding the ShiftKey down (Extensions and Control Panels off)
and remove the offending alias, and dupe the profiles you need into
the Preferences>ColorSyncProfilesFolder.