Re: ISO spec for Digital Darkrooms (was Re: Monitor calibration)
Re: ISO spec for Digital Darkrooms (was Re: Monitor calibration)
- Subject: Re: ISO spec for Digital Darkrooms (was Re: Monitor calibration)
- From: Dan Reid <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 12:48:35 -0600
on 10/19/01 9:07 AM, Jack Kelly Clark at email@hidden wrote:
Several years ago I heard a rumor that an ISO specification was being
developed for "digital darkrooms." Presumably it would address all
the parameters necessary to control to achieve the best results in a
visual image editing environment (e.g., monitor calibration, ambient
lighting intensity/color, and, even the shade of gray paint on the
walls). In other words, it would be an official extension of the
"White Paper on Digital Darkrooms" put forward by Radius when they
were hot and heavy into this business. Is the above mentioned ISO
12646 part or all of this "digital darkroom" spec.?
Well not exactly but it does cover ambient illumination level being less
than 64 lux and should be less than 32 lux. Get out those Gossen meters! I
used the conversion table on the back of my Pro F from EV to lux.
The ISO 3664:2000 specifically references the ISO 12646 for monitor
print comparison so monitor calibration and characterization are not covered
in 3664:2000.
As Tony mentioned above, I'm running our monitors a little darker
than he is (between 80 and 85 cd/m2), with good results from a
variety of offset print vendors dotted around North America (we make
a custom profile of their proofing systems before the job is run).
The ambient lighting levels around our digital darkroom work stations
are adjusted lower than regular office lighting levels. No
measurements have been made because I was eventually going to try and
search out that promised ISO for digital darkrooms and hopefully find
the ideal ambient light level listed there. Now Tony and Dan have
forced me out into the open on this, which is probably a good thing.
ISO 12646 URL:
ISO 3664 URL:
In thinking about this over the past 24 hours (a dangerous process),
it suddenly occurred to me that maybe the really import thing to
consider is the simple ratio of screen brightness to the ambient room
brightness in the digital darkroom. Any and all thoughts on this are
Ambient brightness needs to be much less than your screen brightness. In the
Nov. PEI article I have picture of high and low ambient light levels so you
can see the effect of ambient illumination has on color perception. Yeah we
are talking about close to a dark cave but you only need this for *critical*
color evaluation, and then you won't need the Radius PressView Kimono
anymore <g>
Dan B. Reid
Color Imaging Solutions Provider | email@hidden
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