Re: Profiling Cinema
Re: Profiling Cinema
- Subject: Re: Profiling Cinema
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 11:35:32 EDT
In a message dated 10/26/01 10:32:35 AM, email@hidden writes:
The weak link in all of this, however, is profiling the
ACD. Question #1: Are the LCD profiling tools availible
now "there" yet? ..and Q2: What's the best
hardware/software combination to do the job?
Assuming you don't want to spend thousands on a system that does other things
as well, the choices to consider are the EyeOne monitor only system (US$600)
or the LCD/CRT Spyder with PhotoCAL (US$260 some odd) or with OptiCAL (about
a hundred more than with PhotoCAL). They all appear to be up to the general
task, once you learn the quirks; the greatest control, by far, is offered by
OptiCAL. The only other factor is that ColorVision has not started shipping
the LCD/CRT Spyders yet. Should be very soon, however.
C. David Tobie
Design Cooperative