Re: dtp41 problems with calibration
Re: dtp41 problems with calibration
- Subject: Re: dtp41 problems with calibration
- From: "Bruce J. Lindbloom" <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:47:40 -0600
Daniel "publix team" wrote:
we tried a dtp41 on our mac and on trying to calibrate get
timeouts and other Errors like Error91.
Another thought on this. The DTP41 calibration strip has an arrow printed on
it showing the scan direction. I have seen several instances where users
align the tip of this arrow with the tick mark on the instrument when
feeding it through. This causes the calibration patches to completely miss
the sensor. Be sure you align the instrument tick mark with the center line
of the calibration patches (which places the arrow off to the left of the
tick mark).
Bruce J. Lindbloom