profiler pro spectrocam..
profiler pro spectrocam..
- Subject: profiler pro spectrocam..
- From: <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:37:57 +0100
- Organization: Krause Editions Art Printing Studio
Hello everybody,
I am new to this list, and perhaps the following item has been discussed
here before. If so I apologize
I still have a few problems unsolved with my latest updated profiler pro 2.2
software ( mac with spectrocam )
I would hope somebody could help me out to resolve these problems
1: the 100% pure blue colors have too much magenta in them after printing an
image with a fresh generated profile.
To get the blue colors right I have to make a hue change in the target file.
Only when I slide the blues 10 to 11 points to more magenta I get after
measuring a profile which shows good pure blues.
2 : The 100 % yellow color turns into a dirty greenish yellow. I have found
no way to correct this.
This is very strange, because when printing a file on a standard Epson
driver setting I see beautifull pure 100% yellows.
3. The overall greybalance looks greenish.
4. The overall colors look too saturated.
I use an Epson 9000 with enh. generations 4 pigmented inks and an Epson
10000 CF with Epson Pigmented inks.
With both printer / inkcombinations the profiles show exactly the same
artefacts in blue and yellow, density and greybalance
Target is printed with no colouradjustment on.
What could I do to get better results ?
Krause Editions - Fine Art Giclie Printing
The Netherlands