I have this chunk of code in an audio unit which will play a region and loop it indefinitely:
ScheduledAudioFileRegion rgn;
memset (&rgn.mTimeStamp, 0, sizeof(rgn.mTimeStamp));
rgn.mTimeStamp.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid;
rgn.mTimeStamp.mSampleTime = 0;
rgn.mCompletionProc = scheduledAudioSliceCompletionProc;
rgn.mCompletionProcUserData = NULL;
rgn.mAudioFile = player_->inputFile;
rgn.mLoopCount = -1;
rgn.mStartFrame = player_->startFrame;
rgn.mFramesToPlay = framesToPlay_;
I set the loop count to -1 to allow it to loop forever. I'm using this in a metronome. I would like to post a notification on each completion of the loop so that I can do something in the UI. scheduledAudioSliceCompletionProc will only get called when the playback stops for the entire graph, not on each completion of a loop.
Is there a way to find out when a loop finishes, so I can perform some action?
If I were to upgrade this code to 10.10, and use the new AVFoundations APIs, would I use
scheduleSegment:startingFrame:frameCount:atTime:initWithSampleTime:completionHandler: ? I've attempted using that scheduling audio for a single second, but it did not seem to have an effect of playback(Xcode 6.1, Objc, yosemite).