This has come up a few times this year already, so I'd like to provide some guidance in regards to attachments when posting to this list. We have a file attachment size limit of 150KB when posting to this list. If you've got a PDF, text, graphic, etc that you'd like to attach, please feel free to do so. For example, Rich's post is greatly enhanced with a visual example. That's a great use of attaching a file. If you have something larger, it gets quarantined and then it waits for me to go and approve the post. So it's usually going to be delayed, and then the attachment gets sent out once for each member of this list (now over 300 members). That obviously adds up since a 500K attachment would eat up 150 MB of the internet tubes (300 X .5 MB).
My favorite workflow for posting large files to this list consists of the following:
1. Move screen shot, PDF, etc to my Dropbox public folder 1a. If I have more than one file, compress in a folder and move to the same Dropbox public folder 2. Right-click on the file and choose "Copy public link" 3. Paste into email addressed to this list
I hope this helps!
Thanks, Corey
Corey Carson, Systems Engineer Apple Education Apple Inc. (303) 746-1634