Hello, As you will probably figure out by reading the next few sentences, I'm very new to WO and the xCode environment. I can't compile my WO app because I don't know what I am doing, I guess. I keep getting errors saying that xCode can't find the specified packages I am trying to import, but it makes no sense to me.
Steps to reproduce (On my machine, at least) and further explanation follow 1) Create a new project. WebObjects Application, no servlet container, no web support, no EOAdaptors, default frameworks, no EOModles 2) Click build + run. The build passes, and the app runs no problems. 3) Add a new file. Action menu, WebObjects Component, xCode project name checked in "Targets" 4) Click build + run. The build fails. Cannot find the specified packages to import. The default packages. The same exact packages I successfully imported in main.java.
What am I missing?