Hello Xavier,
> Hello Jerry,
> > Hi, Xavier,
> >
> > It would help to know how your code is failing, but I don't see why
> > your code wouldn't work so long as "arg" is an NSArray.
> The code is not failing in fact, it's just there's no result return.
> >
> > If arg is an instance of Connector rather than an NSArray,
> then change
> > your qualifier generating statement to the following:
> >
> > EOQualifer myQualifier = EOQualifer.qualifierWithQualifierFormat
> > ("connectors = %@", new NSArray(arg));
> Actually I was trying with an instance of connector, I also
> tried with an NSArray of connector but no luck.
> Here's my code:
> argsStorage = new NSMutableArray();
> argsStorage.addObject(selectedFormFactor); // this is a toOne
> argsStorage.addObject(selectedFormType); // this is a toOne
> argsStorage.addObject(new NSArray(selectedConnector));
> // this is the toMany that doesn't return any results
> qualStorage = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat
> ("(productFormFactor = %@) and (productFormType = %@) and
> (productExternalConnectors = %@)", argsStorage);
> Maybe that's easier to understand than my description;)
> Thanks
> Xavier
First of all it should be
not an array. Secondly, are all those
objects: selectedFormFactor, selectedFormType, selectedConnector in same editing context as the query editing context is?
Third: did you checked SQL statement for this qualifier?
Martin Fleder
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