I'm wondering...are you expecting Quartz-WM to create a window on your > screen inside of which individual X applications will appear (basically, a > Multiple-Document Interface)? you are correct. All the info I have from reading, says I should have a GUI window.
If my xterm can be used as such, I am lost. If I need to load a windowmanager then I can do so, How can I use GIMP on X11 with only a command line terminal? Even if just to test I loaded it correctly into X11.
I have it loaded on Jaquar, GIMP and all my other graphics, but want to learn to use all the Open source programs and learn to build and install them myself instead of using Fink. I would rather mess up X11 than Jaquar! I'm starting X11 on it's own partition. If (when) I screw up, I only screw X11.
Unix seems to be the floor or foundation of it all. So I need to learn all I can and go up from here. Learn to build and install source and binarys and then learn to compile on project builder and code warrior. Up in the rockies here, I only have my books and the net to learn from. So thanks for all the info and advice. Is this correct, I reply to your address, instead of the forums?