mail list banned user
mail list banned user
- Subject: mail list banned user
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 13:34:00 -0400
Would the persons responsible for this list please provide me with a
valid reason my brother (email@hidden) has been banned from this
I have examined his posts and see nothing that violates and terms and
conditions yet have seen many other posts from other individuals who
have violated these things but are still allowed to subscribe to this
I believe that with great power comes great responsibility and at this
time you have proven you are incapable of discharging your duties
effectively without bias.
Is this venue operated under a communistic regime?
I believe you should be responsible for your actions and should be
willing to discuss it but on every attempt my brother has made to
resolve this matter you ignore his e-mails.
I can assure you that I will not tolerate any abuse from you and expect
to be treated with the respect I deserve so before you go off
half-cocked and do something stupid like banning me from this list I
would carefully consider the possible resulting actions that every
person on this list could be capable of doing aside from any legal
actions that could be brought against you and I do recommend you
investigate the possible legal actions that could result.
At this time you have banned my brother from the list claiming a
violation of your policies which appears to be nonexistant and I ask
for proof to be presented publicly, if you cannot publicly provide
proof, I demand an apology be sent to my brother and his account be
reinstated immediately.
I would also like to make you aware that anything you submit must be
list/archive verifiable and directly list related, communications
between two private individuals are not considered list related and
could potentially open you up to a lawsuit such as invasion of privacy,
tampering with electronic communication and several other possible
clauses related to the internet privacy act so I recommend you examine
this matter unbiased and respond professionally, I wont tolerate abuse
of power or those who are incapable of discharging their duties in an
unbiased, professional manner.
I present this matter publicly so that it will resolve several issues
and make you accountable for your actions and your failure to publicly
acknowledge and respond to this e-mail in a reasonable amount of time
will result in additional actions taken in an attempt to resolve this
If you can't handle the duties you have been charged with then I
recommend you step down and allow someone who is capable fill the
xcode-users mailing list | email@hidden
Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.